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Лабнол начал приносить деньги спустя год после открытия. Закономерно.

Сколько? Пока не знаю.


Внешний вид

Как он тогда выглядел?


Он начал свою деятельность в 2004. К сожалению, самый первый визит ВебАрхива https://web.archive.org/web/*/labnol.org состоялся спустя 3 года - в 2007. Давайте посмотрим:

Digital Inspiration Search 
Technology, Internet, Software, Web 2.0 
Google Custom Search 
• Create a Movie of your powerpoint presentations with PPT To Video Scout 
• screenshot] 
• The-proper-Way-tQ-Clean-LCP-Screens-OLYour-Lantop-or-f.lat.Screen-MonitQts 
• Do$kt•op Shortcuts That Help YO" Save Time 
to this 
@ 2006 Digital-Inspiration 
- Technology, å la Carte I Copyright-A-Eair-Use-Guide I Amit.ngarwal

Text in image:Digital Inspiration Search Technology, Internet, Software, Web 2.0 Google Custom Search • Create a Movie of your powerpoint presentations with PPT To Video Scout • screenshot] • • The-proper-Way-tQ-Clean-LCP-Screens-OLYour-Lantop-or-f.lat.Screen-MonitQts gee? • Do$kt•op Shortcuts That Help YO" Save Time to this @ 2006 Digital-Inspiration - Technology, å la Carte I Copyright-A-Eair-Use-Guide I Amit.ngarwal

Довольно просто. ОК

Сейчас чуть краше:

The Popular 
Evergreen how-to guides & step-by-step tech tutorials 
How to Use Google Sheets as an Amazon 
Price Tracker 
How to Email Spreadsheets Automatically 
on a Recurring Schedule 
All the Wget Commands You Should Know 
How to Get Google Forms Responses in an 
Email Message 
How to Opt-out of Interest-Based 
Advertising and Stop the Ads from 
Following You 
How to Monitor your Website's Uptime 
with Google Sheets 
The Best Twitter Search Tricks 
How to Record Streaming Audio with 
How to Create Web Content that Works 
How to Automatically Create PDFs with 
Google Form Responses

Text in image:The Popular Evergreen how-to guides & step-by-step tech tutorials How to Use Google Sheets as an Amazon Price Tracker How to Email Spreadsheets Automatically on a Recurring Schedule All the Wget Commands You Should Know How to Get Google Forms Responses in an Email Message How to Opt-out of Interest-Based Advertising and Stop the Ads from Following You How to Monitor your Website's Uptime with Google Sheets The Best Twitter Search Tricks How to Record Streaming Audio with Audacity How to Create Web Content that Works How to Automatically Create PDFs with Google Form Responses



Но всё равно минималистично


Заглянем в какую-нибудь статью


Digital Inspiration 
about this site 
Author AmitAgarwal 
Contact: Send an e-mail 
Get our E-Mail Newsletter 
Enter E-Ma'l Address 
Sign Me up' 
» Site Tour for New Visitors 
e Technorati FAvo;rTES 
recent hits 
Watcn Our Interview on CNN 
website statistics for 2006 
mucn money do we 
make from Adsense ? 
Oi ital Cameras Buying 
Video Editing Software 
Oealing With ','VebSite 
Plagiarism: VVnen Someone 
copes Your Blog content 7 
Interesting Tninqs to do witn 
Youtube Videos 
Goodie Alerts Tutorial 
FEBRUARY 0B, 2007 
Google Local Business Ads in India [see screenshot] 
posted by Amit Agarwal on 2/08/2007 
Google local business ads allow advertisers to promote their products to 
customers only in their area, For instance, a pizza or a tower store may 
chose to advertise on google.corn only when the user doing the search is 
located in their vicinity. 
Google Local Ads have been available in LIS, LIK and other European countries 
but they are now also testing local business ads in India as this screenshot 
The fifth line [Madhya Pradesh] is the name of an Indian state from where the 
search orignated. 
Adobe Flash Player 
is blocked 
Job Oriented Training 
Guarantee n top "NC 
V" hum salary package lakhs 
w w w app inc n line c.cm 
Madhya Pradesh 
Pick the tine, nude of travel' 
hotel. take care of the rest 
w w w Yatra in 
V adhya Pradesh

Text in image:Digital Inspiration aøarwaC Search about this site Author AmitAgarwal Contact: Send an e-mail subscribe Get our E-Mail Newsletter Enter E-Ma'l Address Sign Me up' » Site Tour for New Visitors e Technorati FAvo;rTES recent hits Watcn Our Interview on CNN website statistics for 2006 mucn money do we make from Adsense ? Oi ital Cameras Buying Video Editing Software Oealing With ','VebSite Plagiarism: VVnen Someone copes Your Blog content 7 Interesting Tninqs to do witn Youtube Videos Goodie Alerts Tutorial FEBRUARY 0B, 2007 Google Local Business Ads in India [see screenshot] posted by Amit Agarwal on 2/08/2007 Google local business ads allow advertisers to promote their products to customers only in their area, For instance, a pizza or a tower store may chose to advertise on google.corn only when the user doing the search is located in their vicinity. Google Local Ads have been available in LIS, LIK and other European countries but they are now also testing local business ads in India as this screenshot confirms. The fifth line [Madhya Pradesh] is the name of an Indian state from where the search orignated. labnoltlogspctcom tee-I Adobe Flash Player is blocked Job Oriented Training Guarantee n top "NC V" hum salary package lakhs w w w app inc n line c.cm Madhya Pradesh Pick the tine, nude of travel' hotel. take care of the rest w w w Yatra in V adhya Pradesh



How to Create Web Content that Works 
Create Good and Effective Web Content

Text in image:How to Create Web Content that Works Create Good and Effective Web Content


Нет, всё-таки надо смотреть только современную версию. В процессе эволюции, с опытом Амит отсекал всё лишнее и оставлял/улучшал рабочии варианты. Надо коп ировать сразу их.


Мобильные и десктопные версии идентичны


Нет виджетов с пользовательскими комментариями - раньше был - убрал!



Как часто пишет статьи?

Почти каждый день


Сколько статей на сайте?

Около 4000


Сайту 16 лет значит 4000 статей / 200 месяцев = 20 статей в месяц.

Т.е. Надо жить по принципу "Не дня без строчки". Писать по статье в день.

Когда есть это просто.


Соц. Сети?

YouTube канал - помогает визуализировать представленную на сайте инфу + это продукт Google (Доп. Плюшки по SEO).

Text from video:


YouTube has launched a global experiment to create a documentary movie filmed by thousands of people around the world. The movie will be directed by Kevin Macdonald and produced by Ridley Scott.


If you’d like to be part of this movie, capture a snapshot of your life on camera and submit the footage to YouTube on July 24th.


Here’s a video that Kevin Macdonald asked me to make to give you an example of what you can shoot to be part of this global experiment. You can also visit youtube.com/lifeinaday to learn more.

Text from video:


Not long ago, the first thing that I’d do in the morning is read my newspaper but technology has completely changed my lifestyle.


I get all my news from the Internet now - it’s personalized, it’s always current and updated in almost real-time and thanks to devices like the iPad, reading digital news is so much more convenient now. not as easy as read a traditional newspaper but close


My work day sort of begins at the breakfast table itself as I try to catch up with my Twitter and Facebook updates. I am a huge fan of these sites but mostly use Facebook for connecting with family members and close friends while Twitter updates are public


Having an office in the same premises as your home helps because there’s no time wasted in commuting, you save on stress due to traffic jams and a little walk after a meal is always good..


My routine at work is almost the same every day.. I generally don’t write about “breaking news” so none of my stories time-critical (это классно!) but still, as they say, a blog is like a beast.. you can keep feeding it and it will still want more..

Text from video:


my work involves lot of reading and I mainly use FeedDemon and Google Reader for catching up with new developments around my topics of interest.. I don’t use any of the IMs or chat programs except for Twitter..


Since I am the only “employee” of this blog, I need to take care of other things as well like trying out new designs and layouts .. sometime the server goes down and you’ve to work with the hosting company to get it up ASAP..


sometimes you have to install upgrades and that breaks some existing features.. I also run a q&a forums so I need to spend sometime there as well .. all in all there’s plenty of stuff to do but it’s all fun and very interesting.


I have a second computer at work that I primarily use for watching podcasts and video channels on YouTube


and then there are these welcome distractions.. my elder son is a huge fan of YouTube and though he’s still in Kindergarten, he knows YouTube better than every one else in our family


he learned his nursery rhymes on YouTube and now the video site is helping him learn about the indian mythology and ancient tales that I learned from grandma


My blog is all about software tips and tricks and I therefore often record screencasts or video tutorials to go with my articles.. all my videos are now hosted on YouTube and there’s a reason why I prefer it over most other video sites..


it not only has the eyeballs but every video is encoded in standard and HD formats so even if some of my blog visitors are not on a fast connection, they can still enjoy the screencasts without any choppy playback.


One thing that I always do before leaving work is chalk out the plan for the next day. items that are extremely urgent go on the whiteboard while stuff that’s pending but can wait go into OneNote..


it keeps me sorted and I am clear in my mind what’s in store for the day to come


But the day is not over yet as I It’s time to have some fun now.. none of us are any good at flying kites but we’ll probably learn it by the end of this season..


one of our favorites indoor game is Jenga because the whole family can enjoy it but I think I’ll wrap-up now because it’s my younger sons’ first birthday and the whole family is celebrating it with a dinner


Well Another day goes.. and another to come.. in between all the work, few cups of coffee, hush and rush .. I still manage to capture few moments. Happy memories.. thanks - Amit Agarwal http://www.labnol.org/


From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUDGjT4KG6c>


Он не пишет новости

У него нет наёмных работников -> нет людей - нет проблем


My blog is all about software tips and tricks and I therefore often record screencasts 
or video tutorials to go with my articles..

Text in image:My blog is all about software tips and tricks and I therefore often record screencasts or video tutorials to go with my articles..


He uses OneNote))


Давай вернёмся к сайту.


Самые популярные статьи:

The Popular 
Evergreen how-to guides & step-by-step tech tutorials 
How to Use Google Sheets as an Amazon 
Price Tracker 
How to Email Spreadsheets Automatically 
on a Recurring Schedule 
All the Wget Commands You Should Know 
How to Get Google Forms Responses in an 
Email Message 
How to Opt-out of Interest-Based 
Advertising and Stop the Ads from 
Following You 
How to Monitor your Website's Uptime 
with Google Sheets 
The Best Twitter Search Tricks 
How to Record Streaming Audio with 
How to Create Web Content that Works 
How to Automatically Create PDFs with 
Google Form Responses

Text in image:The Popular Evergreen how-to guides & step-by-step tech tutorials How to Use Google Sheets as an Amazon Price Tracker How to Email Spreadsheets Automatically on a Recurring Schedule All the Wget Commands You Should Know How to Get Google Forms Responses in an Email Message How to Opt-out of Interest-Based Advertising and Stop the Ads from Following You How to Monitor your Website's Uptime with Google Sheets The Best Twitter Search Tricks How to Record Streaming Audio with Audacity How to Create Web Content that Works How to Automatically Create PDFs with Google Form Responses


По опыту знаю, что 5-10 штук из 200.000 делают всю кассу.


Related articles section?




Да - target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"

Но внутренние ссылки нормальные, конечно.


+ Читателя располагает чувство, что за сайтом находится реальный человек

Machine generated alternative text:
Meet the Author 
Web Geek, Tech Columnist 
AmitAgarwal isa Google Developer Expert in GSuite and Google Apps Script. He 
holds an engineering degree in Computer Science (I.I.T.) and is the first professional 
blogger in India. Read more on and 
Get in touch 
Send an email 
Follow on and @youtube. 
Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss an upda te.

Text in image:Machine generated alternative text: Meet the Author Web Geek, Tech Columnist AmitAgarwal isa Google Developer Expert in GSuite and Google Apps Script. He holds an engineering degree in Computer Science (I.I.T.) and is the first professional blogger in India. Read more on and Get in touch Send an email Follow on and @youtube. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss an upda te.

Амит Агарвал смотрит с каждой страницы)



Сайт labnol рекламируется в Google Ads

21 Tools for 
Your Favorite 
Task Manager 
How to Copy a 
Formula Down an 
Entire Column in.. 
lannzl ore 
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How to Import 
Web Data into 
Google Sheets 
la bnzll.rg 
Free Intelligent 
Writing Tool 
How to Write a 
Successful Blog 
How to Email 
How to Make Org 
Charts with 
Google Sheets 

Text in image:21 Tools for Infographics Your Favorite Task Manager How to Copy a Formula Down an Entire Column in.. lannzl ore Imon Web Data How to Import Web Data into Google Sheets la bnzll.rg Free Intelligent Writing Tool Grammarlk BLOGGING UPS How to Write a Successful Blog labnolorg How to Email Spreadsheets Automatically... How to Make Org Charts with Google Sheets labrol



Есть опция поделится:


Text in image:SHARE ON:


What runs labnol.org? 
Google Custom Search 
Font Script 
a GoogleFontAPl 
Web Server 
Javascript Frameworks 
iQuery' 1.102 
'Quay Prettify JS 
Google Analytics UA 
Web Framework 
Google AdSense 
Twitter Ads 
Google Ads 
Facebook Pixel 
Source Sans pro 
Source Sans Pro, Apple 
System, Blinkmacsystemfont,segoe

Text in image:What runs labnol.org? Widgets Facebook Twitter Google Custom Search Font Script a GoogleFontAPl Web Server Apache CDN CloudFlare C CONJS Javascript Frameworks iQuery' 1.102 'Quay Prettify JS Analytics Google Analytics UA Web Framework Bootstrap Cache Varnish Advertising EuySellAds Google AdSense Twitter Ads Google Ads Facebook Pixel Font Source Sans pro Source Sans Pro, Apple System, Blinkmacsystemfont,segoe


Надо и мне метрику повыпиливать отовсюду

+ Google Custom Search


Очень простой, легковесный стек


Lazy images


HTML код статей:

Стили не отдельным стайлшитом, а сразу в head одним тэгом.

tom: Ipx solid . (min—height: O) . )h2. entry—title. font—size: 2 reml 
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e: a {text—decoration: a : hover {border—bottom: 3px (O, O, O, . 07) . meta—item . meta—I ten 
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А что? Экономия трафика и если сервер-сайд рендеринг, то майнтейнить не сложно.


HTML5 Boilerplate


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data—styled. g 2 [id= " Social Span—kea9ky—1 { content : 
"a 1 i cation/ xm1 
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Ссыль на сайтмап в каждой статье?


sitemap как на хабре

&lt;loc&gt;httpz : / / •a-a-a'. I abnol . o rg/ inte rnet/ speech— recognition/ 3 09 67 / loc) 
&lt;ehange f req&gt;dai Iy&lt;/ change f req&gt; 

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Только без lastUpdate


Плохо - webpack, react и др. - много лишнего кода


Лого приходит в base64 - плохо - не кешируется.


HTML минифицирован


Картинки с alt (так себе) и с title


srcSet на картинках



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