Text in image:
Increase/ decrease font size of selected text
Text in image:
Select T tie of page
Move current line or selected lines up/ down
Text in image:
Move to top/ bottom of current page
Text in image:
Delete one word to the right of cursor
Delete one word to the left of cursor
Text in image:
Machine generated alternative text:
Bring up context menu for any note, tab, or any other object that currently has focus (Simulate right mouse-button)
Text in image:
Create a mew side mote
Text in image:
Shift Tab
Go to next," previous page in section
Go to next/ previous section
Go to first/ last page in the section
Go to first/ last page in the currently visible setof page tabs
GO back to last/ next page opened
Text in image:
Move focus to Pages area (typically on the Right); continue to select page. Press
to cancel
Text in image:
5. OneNote Tables
Create able by adding a second column to already pyped text
Create another column in table with a single row.
Create another rowwhen at the end cell of a table. Press Enter a second time to finish the table
Create row below current row in table
Create another paragraph in same cell in table
Create column to the right of current column in table
Create column to the left of current column in table
Create row above the current one in table (when frie cursor is at the beginning of any row)
Text in image:
Insert current D te
Insert current T me
Insert current date and time
Alt+Shift++ |
Expand collapsed outline |
Alt+Shift+- |
Collapse expanded outline |
Text in image:
Machine generated alternative text:
Ctrl + E Tab Space
Change the search scope
Text in image:
Machine generated alternative text:
Alt + a after searching
Open the Search Results pane