Math Round Floor

Machine generated alternative text:
6. Math.round & Math.floor alternatives 
Maybe not the easiest to read but still a cool trick. 
Math. floor ( ) you can use : 
01743.4343 // returns 743 
Math. floor (743.4343) returns 743 
Math. round ( ) you can use +.510 
812.777+.510 // returns 813 
Math. round (812. 777) returns 813

Text in image:Machine generated alternative text: 6. Math.round & Math.floor alternatives Maybe not the easiest to read but still a cool trick. Math. floor ( ) you can use : 01743.4343 // returns 743 Math. floor (743.4343) returns 743 Math. round ( ) you can use +.510 812.777+.510 // returns 813 Math. round (812. 777) returns 813

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