1) Have petrolium level in your car tank filed at least at 1/2.
2) First several weeks in cities are most dangerous due to violence. So, it is better to come out at the earlist convenience or after 30 days.
3) Petrolium can be stored for up to 2 years.
4) One guy at 8th minute of video makes brikets for fire out of dry tree leaves and street newspapers. Materials are collected, mixed with water, left for 5 days, pressed to extract water and dried.
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 4
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 4
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 4
5) Cotton wool deepen in vaseline oil will ignite much longer.
6) An ordinary man will run 6 meters in 1 second.
7) Potassium iodide prevents radioactive poisoning.
8) To extend plant seeds storing time to 10+ years they are to be stored under -12 deg in dry place.
9) Hybrids will not give healthy seeds.
10) Electrolysis of water rules!
11) Such carriages may be the only way to prosperity in case of disasters:
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 4
Even a boat!:
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 4
12) Training of family evacuations should be performed at least twice a year.
Source: http://seasonvar.ru/serial-6311-V_ozhidanii_kontca_sveta.html (Season 4)
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