1) Dried corn can be stored for more than 10 years.
2) It is reccomended to have a Plan B destination that can be reached with 1 tank of fuel.
3) One guy uses chain from chain saw to cut trees?
4) You can collect water from trees with not black plastic bag:
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 1
5) Bark from weeping willow contains salicylic acid (aspirin). Remove it, smash it, water it and put on wound:
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 1
6) To yield the fire by friction (rubbing) you can use a lace put on fingers:
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 1
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Image for note Tips from Doomsday Preppers Show Season 1
7) Knife is easy to make out of stone (flint) кремень by breaking it and finding a good piece.
8) Raw fish contains more proteins and colories (as well as parasites)
9) For long walks be sure to have spare pair of socks
Source: http://seasonvar.ru/serial-6311-V_ozhidanii_kontca_sveta.html (Season 1)
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