Devtools Console Object

Chrome, DevTools, debugging



Machine generated alternative text:
How to get most out of the console logging 
Almost every developer uses console.log to print data in the console, no matter what 
kind of data, message, object it is. Chrome utility contains a lot more methods apart 
from to log data. 
var myTurn 
undef ined 
var your Turn 
undef ined 
console. log (myTurn 
undef ined 
console. log 
{myTurn: 1, 
my Tu rn 
you r Tu rn 
yourTurn: 2}

Text in image:Machine generated alternative text: How to get most out of the console logging Almost every developer uses console.log to print data in the console, no matter what kind of data, message, object it is. Chrome utility contains a lot more methods apart from to log data. > > > var myTurn undef ined var your Turn undef ined console. log (myTurn 12 undef ined console. log {myTurn: 1, undefined my Tu rn yourTurn) you r Tu rn yourTurn: 2}



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