Chrome Devtools Zoom

Chrome, DevTools, debugging




Machine generated alternative text:
Zoom Out/ln 
Use cmd+/cmd - (on mac) and Ctrl+/Ctrl - (On windows) to Zoom In/Out of the 
DevTools Windows.

Text in image:Machine generated alternative text: Zoom Out/ln Use cmd+/cmd - (on mac) and Ctrl+/Ctrl - (On windows) to Zoom In/Out of the DevTools Windows.



Machine generated alternative text:
- stackov erfl ow- to-ch an ge-backgroun d- col or- of- a-s el ec ted-i temlist-m a teri al -u i 
, p,-fi.s

Text in image:Machine generated alternative text: DevT001s diu - stackov erfl ow- to-ch an ge-backgroun d- col or- of- a-s el ec ted-i temlist-m a teri al -u i , p,-fi.s


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